iOS, Implement Least Recently Used Cache

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✍️ Note

Some codes are sourced from Holczer Balazs’s Udemy Course ( This post is for personal notes where I summarize the original contents to grasp the key concepts

Least Recently Used Cache

We want to access the recently used items

  • For example URLs very fast so in O(1) time complexity and discard least recently used ones
  • Naive Approach: Use a single hash table and we can achieve put() and get() operations in O(1) but memory complexity is not favorable
  • Splay trees are working fine but again we store all the items in a tree-like structure
  • LRU caches use (usually) doubly linked lists to achieve this goal + we have to use hash tables as well to boost linked list!!

public class Node {
    public var prev: Node?
    public var next: Node?
    public var id: String
    public var data: String
    public init(prev: Node? = nil, next: Node? = nil, id: String, data: String) {
        self.prev = prev = next = id = data
public class LRUCacheDoublyLinkedList {
    private var size: Int = 0
    let capacity: Int
    private var head: Node?
    private var tail: Node?
    private var dict: [String: Node] = [:]
    public init(capacity: Int) {
        self.capacity = capacity
    //Update the node to be the head
    private func update(_ node: Node) {
        let prev = node.prev
        let next =
        //It is a middle node in the list
        if prev != nil {
            prev?.next = next
        else {
            //This case It is first node(head)
            head = next
        //If it is not last node
        if next != nil {
            next?.prev = prev
        else {
            //It is the last node (tail)
            tail = prev
    //get item with ID and move to the head because It used
    public func get(_ id: String) -> Node? {
        guard let node = dict[id] else {
            return nil
        return node
    //Always add node at Head
    private func add(_ node: Node) { = head
        if head != nil {
            head?.prev = node
        //Set new head node
        head = node
        //If there is 1 node in the list, it is the head as well as the tail
        if tail == nil {
            tail = node
        dict[] = node
    private func removeTail() {
        let tailId = tail?.id
        var cachedTail: Node?
        if let tailId = tail?.id, let lastNode = dict[tailId] {
            cachedTail = lastNode
        tail = tail?.prev
        if tail != nil {
            tail?.next = nil
        if let tailId {
            dict.removeValue(forKey: tailId)
        cachedTail = nil
    public func put(id: String, data: String) {
        if let node = dict[id] {
   = data
        //the data is not present in the cache so insert
        let newNode = Node(id: id, data: data)
        //Check cache size
        if size < capacity {
            size += 1
            //insert into the cache and set it to be the head node
        else {
            //cache is full, remove the last item and insert new one
    public func printAll() {
        var pointNode = head
        while pointNode != nil {
            if let data = pointNode?.data {
                print("\(data)", terminator: pointNode?.next != nil ? " -> " : "")
            pointNode = pointNode?.next

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